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All Tasks Due Detail Explained

Updated: 21 hours ago

This post contains an explanation of the:

  1. All Tasks Due detail table

  2. Applying filters to ease your workflows

  3. All Tasks Due Detail report

1.All Tasks Due detail table

The All Tasks Due Detail table summarizes all upcoming deadlines with links to the specific details for each task.

The All Tasks Due Detail table is located at the top of the left navigation or the top of the home screen.

Due dates in this table are colour-coded, to indicate:

  • Green: Backlog task, get to it when you can

  • Orange: Client delayed

  • Pink: Overdue, this needs your urgent attention

  • Yellow: Due in the next 7 days.

  • No colour: Due in the near future.

There are two ways to work on these tasks:

  1. Click on the record, start your timer and mark the task as complete once done.

  2. Click on the link (shown in the image above) to see the detailed view of the task.

The video below will explain more.

2.Applying filters to ease your workflows

It is important to take the time to apply filters that will help you streamline your workflows.

Two great filters to apply in the All Tasks Due Detail table could be:

  • If you are an accountant, and you currently see all the tasks for everyone on the team, Save a filter where you filter on your own name in the accountant column.

  • If you are a manager that needs to sign off on work, apply ans save a filter that looks as follows.

2.All Tasks Due Detail report

The All Tasks Due table also gets emailed out as a report every Monday morning to your staff. The report contains a 30-day summary of all tasks grouped per accountant. Click on the + in the left panel to expand the group.

It also gives a details tab for each accountant containing a detailed breakdown of each of their tasks.


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