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How Trust Impacts Productivity

There is no doubt that trust impacts team efficiency and productivity.

We’ve all heard the saying that trust is the most important aspect of a relationship between two people.

It is the deciding factor as to whether a person buys from a business, especially on the internet. Trust makes a relationship productive.

But when trust is violated, whether in personal relationships or business, destruction and chaos ensue.

Trust in the workplace amongst teams is like water in the desert: hard to gather, quick to evaporate. It is harder to build trust in business because of the money element, making people weary.

Prospective clients won’t sign up until trust is proven because they want to be sure they can trust the business with their hard-earned money.

Why team trust matters.

High-trust companies enjoy the following benefits:

  • Increased value.

  • Increased growth.

  • Greater innovation.

  • Improved collaboration.

  • Higher loyalty amongst both customers and staff.

  • Attract better talent.

How to earn trust as a leader.

As with all things, the behaviour of leaders filters down to team members. Nothing builds more trust than leading by example.

Keep in mind that it takes time to build trust. Consistency is key.

People don’t trust leaders simply because of what they say. Actions indeed speak louder than words.

A leader is known by the sum of their actions:

  • Be trustworthy. Do what you say. Keep private the sacred things team members disclose to you.

  • Honour commitments. This also translates into being diligent because if you promise someone something, you must remember to do it and communicate that it has been done.

  • Tell the truth, even when it's hard.

  • Demonstrate loyalty. If you are loyal, your team will be loyal to you.

  • Be consistent. Consistency is key to building trust; doing any of the above once or twice or sometimes will accomplish nothing. The key is to behave in a consistent manner, in other words, stable behaviour - keep your emotions in check at all times, but be open and transparent about your feelings.

Build trust with the right workplace tools.

To do their jobs as efficiently as possible, your team members must be given the right tools.

Barbara, an owner of her own accounting practice, says, “DataGrows has made my life so much easier. I never miss deadlines and know exactly what to do when.”

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