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Clients/FICA Documents

Updated: Feb 16

DataGrows now enables you to set up and manage your clients' FICA Risks and Documents quickly and easily. 


There is a dropdown in the Clients Table called FICA Risk with the below options:  


  • No Risk,  

  • Low Risk,  

  • Medium Risk,  

  • High Risk.  


You can set up a list of documents that you require for each risk level. Every time a client is assigned a risk level, a reminder will be generated with the list of required documents and room for you to attach the documents.  


The process consists of 3 steps. 

  1. Setting up your list of documents per risk level.  

  2. Assigning a risk level to a client. 

  3. Using the generated list and uploading the completed documents.  


  1. Setting up your list of documents per risk level. 


You will need to set up your list of required documents for FICA. You will only need to do this setup once for each risk level, then all future documents reminders will pull through automatically once the risk level is indicated.  


To set it up: 

Go to the communications tab 



Then to Setup – FICA Documents 

Click on ADD RECORD 

Add a document name, 

Then select a Risk level from the dropdown  

Attach a Document Template if you have a standard template. This template will pull through for each applicable client.  



Once your lists have been set up, they will automatically pull through for all applicable clients per risk level.  


2. Assigning a risk level to a client. 


In the Client table there is a dropdown called FICA Risk with the below options:  


  • No Risk,  

  • Low Risk,  

  • Medium Risk,  

  • High Risk.  


Once an option is selected and you click save, the FICA Risk table will populate with a list of the documents you will need. 

3. Using the generated list and uploading the completed documents.  


You can access the FICA Document list for a client by clicking on the client record, then going to Communication in the top right corner, then FICA documents.  

Click on any of these records to attach a document or download the template. 

You can also add an uploaded date and a review date or leave the review date blank, and we will default it to 12 months after the uploaded date. 



If you have any questions about this function, please email




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